Uploads model and validation to the central server



submit_model(model, alias:str, name:str, email:str)

Run evaluation on the model using validation dataset and submits the result under name/email to the central server.

The leaderbord will be updated every few days because it requires all submitted models to be veried and tested independantly.

Here we can see how to use the submit_model function. We must pass trained model, an alias that will be displayed on the leaderboard, name and email. Returns the path to the zipped file.

zip_fname = submit_model(model, alias="malimedo", name="mali medo", email="mali.medo@gmail.com")
PosixPath('submission-iou=0.44641-mali medo-matija.krivosic@gmail.com-2020-12-23T07:31:58.666165.zip')

Here we can check what is in the zip file. The zip file contains the model and 2 csv files. The first CSV file contains the iou metrics for each image from the validation set, and the second file contains information about the competitor.

!unzip -vl "{zip_fname}"
Archive:  submission-iou=0.44641-mali medo-matija.krivosic@gmail.com-2020-12-23T07:31:58.666165.zip
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    3357  Stored     3357   0% 2020-12-23 07:31 b1430b06  submission-iou=0.44641-mali medo-matija.krivosic@gmail.com-2020-12-23T07:31:58.666165/metrics.csv
176247921  Stored 176247921   0% 2020-12-23 07:31 7be46f43  submission-iou=0.44641-mali medo-matija.krivosic@gmail.com-2020-12-23T07:31:58.666165/model.pt
     101  Stored      101   0% 2020-12-23 07:31 f814c753  submission-iou=0.44641-mali medo-matija.krivosic@gmail.com-2020-12-23T07:31:58.666165/info.csv
--------          -------  ---                            -------
176251379         176251379   0%                            3 files

This is how the leaderbord will be displayed using your submission from above:

alias iou
0 velika štuka 0.63826
1 mali medo 0.44641
2 srednji sisavac 0.32452