The goal of this challenge is to find all instances of dolphins in a picture and then color pixes of each dolphin with a unique color.


Here is an example of how to create a model for instance segmentation:

def get_instance_segmentation_model(hidden_layer_size, box_score_thresh=0.5):
    # our dataset has two classes only - background and dolphin    
    num_classes = 2
    # load an instance segmentation model pre-trained on COCO
    model = torchvision.models.detection.maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn(

    # get the number of input features for the classifier
    in_features = model.roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score.in_features
    # replace the pre-trained head with a new one
    model.roi_heads.box_predictor = FastRCNNPredictor(in_features, num_classes)

    # now get the number of input features for the mask classifier
    in_features_mask = model.roi_heads.mask_predictor.conv5_mask.in_channels

    model.roi_heads.mask_predictor = MaskRCNNPredictor(

    return model
# get the model using our helper function
model = get_instance_segmentation_model(hidden_layer_size=256)

# move model to the right device

# construct an optimizer
params = [p for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=0.005, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005)

# and a learning rate scheduler which decreases the learning rate by
# 10x every 3 epochs
lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=10, gamma=0.1)


train_one_epoch(model, optimizer, data_loader, device, epoch, print_freq=10)

Trains one epoch of the model. Copied from the reference implementation from

For training the model, you can use train_one_epoch as follows:

This is how to use the training function in training loop:

if Path("saved_models").exists():
    saved_model_path = Path("./saved_models/")
    saved_model_path = Path("./notebooks/saved_models/")
if saved_model_path.exists():
    num_epochs = 20

data_loader, data_loader_test = get_dataset("segmentation", batch_size=4, get_tensor_transforms=get_my_tensor_transforms)
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    # train for one epoch, printing every 20 iterations
    train_one_epoch(model, optimizer, data_loader, device, epoch, print_freq=20)
    # update the learning rate


show_prediction(model, img:tensor([]), score_threshold:float=0.5, width:int=820)

Show a single prediction by the model

Show predictions on a single input image:

# pick one image from the test set
img, _ = data_loader_test.dataset[0]
show_prediction(model, img)

We can also show predictions for the whole or for a subset of the dataset from a dataloader object:


show_predictions(model, data_loader=None, dataset=None, n=None, score_threshold=0.5, iou_df=None, width=820)

Show at most n predictions for examples in a given data loader.

Shows predictions for the first two elements in the data loader:

show_predictions(model, data_loader=data_loader_test, n=2, score_threshold=0.5)


_, masks = get_true_and_predicted_masks(model, data_loader_test.dataset[0], 0.5)
img, _ = data_loader_test.dataset[0]

print(f'We have {masks["true"].shape[0]} dolphins on the photo, total of {masks["predicted"].shape[0]} are predicted with score higher than 0.5')

assert len(masks["true"].shape) == 3
assert len(masks["predicted"].shape) == 3

show_prediction(model, img)
We have 3 dolphins on the photo, total of 3 are predicted with score higher than 0.5

Metric explanation

For evaluating instance segmentation results, we would be using a metric called Intersection over Union or IoU. The IoU metric is a method to quantify the percent overlap between the ground-truth (or target) mask and the predicted (output) mask. i. e., the IoU metric measures the number of pixels common between the ground-truth and prediction masks divided by the total number of pixels present across both masks and is mathematically represented as:

$$IoU = \frac{{target \cap prediction}}{{target \cup prediction}}$$

As a visual example, let's suppose we're tasked with calculating the IoU score of a prediction mask (colored yellow), given the ground truth labeled mask (colored blue). The intersection (A∩B) is comprised of the pixels found in both the prediction mask and the ground truth mask (denoted in green color), whereas the union (A∪B) is simply comprised of all pixels found in either the prediction or target mask.

images/Iou_example1.jpg Image credits: link

As can be seen from the above example, more the intersection or overlap between the ground truth and the predicted mask, greater is the IoU metric value. The maximum IoU metric value of 1 is obtained when both the predicted mask and ground-truth mask overlap perfectly and the minimum value of 0 is obtained when there is absolutely no overlap.


iou_metric_mask_pair(binary_segmentation:array, binary_gt_label:array)

Compute the IOU between two binary segmentation (typically one ground truth and a predicted one). Input: binary_segmentation: binary 2D numpy array representing the region of interest as segmented by the algorithm binary_gt_label: binary 2D numpy array representing the region of interest as provided in the database Output: IOU: IOU between the segmentation and the ground truth

The above explanation is for a pair of single ground-truth or true mask and single predicted mask. Intersection over union metrics (IOU) for a pair of true and predicted masks can be calculated as follows:

img, masks = get_true_and_predicted_masks(model, data_loader_test.dataset[0])

# calculate the metrics
    binary_segmentation=masks["predicted"][0, :, :],
    binary_gt_label=masks["true"][0, :, :],

In the instance segmentation task, a single image might predict multiple instance segmentation masks and the output prediction masks might not necessarily be in the same order as the ground-truth masks, i.e., the ordering of true and predicted masks can be and usually is different. In the example bellow, we have three true or ground truth masks but four predicted masks with score larger than 0.5:


iou_metric_matrix_of_example(model:MaskRCNN, example:Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]], score_threshold:float=0.5)

metrics = iou_metric_matrix_of_example(model, data_loader_test.dataset[0], 0.5)

cm = sns.light_palette("lightblue", as_cmap=True)

df = pd.DataFrame(metrics)
0 1 2
0 0.009041 0.000000 0.699953
1 0.609545 0.168043 0.006262
2 0.031733 0.531035 0.000000

For a single input image, which contains multiple prediction masks and ground-truth masks (since there can be more than one dophin in the image), we first calculate the IOU metric for all the predicted and gound-truth pairs .

In the example above, we have three dolphins with three true masks, while the model predicted four masks. This is why the matrix above has four rows (corresponding to predictions) and three columns (corresponding to ground truth). The first mask predicted by the model is represented by the first row (row 0). As we can see, the best fitting is with the third true mask (column 2). The second predicted mask is represented with the second row (row 1) and the best fit is with the first true mask (column 1) and so on. The last row is an extra prediction.

Thus for a single input image, we calculate the IOU metric in such a way that the total IOU score for the image is maximized. That is, in the above example the IOU metric for the first predicted mask is taken as 0.691147 and 0.586046, 0.514863, 0.000 for the second, third and fourth respectively and take the mean of the four IOU metric values to obtain the IOU metric for single example image. The last one is an extra incorrect prediction and hence it is assigned the value of 0.000.

We repeat the above for all the images in the dataset and take the mean of the IOU values to obtain the IOU metric value for the entire dataset



Approximates the largest value in each row/column.

[0.6999534555127418, 0.6095453855961998, 0.531034752278878]


iou_metric_example(model:MaskRCNN, example:Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]], score_threshold:float=0.5)

Finally, we can get IOU metrics for the whole image:

metric = iou_metric_example(model, data_loader_test.dataset[4], 0.5)

print(f"Average IOU metric on given example is {metric:.3f}")
Average IOU metric on given example is 0.300


iou_metric(model:MaskRCNN, dataset:Dataset, score_threshold:float=0.5)

Calculate IOU metric on the whole dataloader

iou, iou_df = iou_metric(model, data_loader_test.dataset)

CPU times: user 10.1 s, sys: 7.85 ms, total: 10.1 s
Wall time: 6.59 s
paths iou
22 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140830_47_1_0471.jpg 0.217136
7 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140701_6_1_0025.jpg 0.235162
36 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/190706_17_1_0215.jpg 0.238868
34 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/190627_12_2_0125.jpg 0.248578
15 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140724_16_2_0385.jpg 0.293751
4 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140426_3_1_0130.jpg 0.300476
17 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140810_31_1_0054.jpg 0.301728
38 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/190819_43_1_0234.jpg 0.303083
32 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/170829_34_1_0103.jpg 0.308663
26 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/150728_83_1_1180.jpg 0.328465
21 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140810_38_1_0263.jpg 0.336140
29 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/170723_19_1_0055.jpg 0.336448
6 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140701_5_1_0043.jpg 0.342803
27 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/170612_1_1_0110.jpg 0.361572
10 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140720_15_1_0424.jpg 0.365243
33 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/190611_4_1_0489.jpg 0.367608
9 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140717_12_1_0407.jpg 0.421964
8 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140704_9_1_0058.jpg 0.422771
35 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/190701_14_1_0067.jpg 0.430506
11 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140720_15_1_0463.jpg 0.445086
5 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140426_4_1_0117.jpg 0.446499
16 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140728_20_1_0698.jpg 0.447267
25 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/150724_78_1_0667.jpg 0.465779
2 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/070828_20_1_0060.jpg 0.469470
37 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/190819_43_1_0108.jpg 0.474755
19 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140810_33_1_0254.jpg 0.507112
31 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/170808_27_1_0287.jpg 0.544885
13 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140724_16_1_0003.jpg 0.562608
30 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/170723_19_1_0094.jpg 0.603903
0 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/070729_11_2_0026.jpg 0.613511
28 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/170612_1_1_0424.jpg 0.615975
20 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140810_35_3_0074.jpg 0.617149
1 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/070730_13_2_0100.jpg 0.632938
3 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/070828_20_1_0136.jpg 0.640016
23 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/150722_77_1_0106.jpg 0.647770
18 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140810_31_1_0124.jpg 0.661585
12 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140720_15_1_1314.jpg 0.678465
24 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/150724_78_1_0513.jpg 0.686800
14 data/dolphins_200_train_val/Val/JPEGImages/140724_16_2_0244.jpg 0.754369


show_predictions_sorted_by_iou(model, dataset)

show_predictions_sorted_by_iou(model, data_loader_test.dataset)
IOU metric: 0.21713649373748173
IOU metric: 0.23516181851988224
IOU metric: 0.23886763657815555
IOU metric: 0.2485782288414421
IOU metric: 0.2937505354547715
IOU metric: 0.3004759731504556
IOU metric: 0.30172758091455804
IOU metric: 0.3030829051738324
IOU metric: 0.3086630906471554
IOU metric: 0.32846524541442307
IOU metric: 0.3361396219757273
IOU metric: 0.3364484265521705
IOU metric: 0.3428030754274021
IOU metric: 0.36157219663660756
IOU metric: 0.3652433124089978
IOU metric: 0.3676078045693399
IOU metric: 0.421963996738445
IOU metric: 0.42277124387024406
IOU metric: 0.430506443127559
IOU metric: 0.44508573144544766
IOU metric: 0.44649887084427164
IOU metric: 0.4472671935895272
IOU metric: 0.46577921887805673
IOU metric: 0.4694702871921999
IOU metric: 0.47475510664957055
IOU metric: 0.5071124683565756
IOU metric: 0.544885413653808
IOU metric: 0.5626076687301744
IOU metric: 0.6039026900161608
IOU metric: 0.6135111977959399
IOU metric: 0.6159746130297648
IOU metric: 0.6171491240732716
IOU metric: 0.632938069917827
IOU metric: 0.6400163390210463
IOU metric: 0.647769649705985
IOU metric: 0.6615849240495006
IOU metric: 0.6784650432524649
IOU metric: 0.6868002346413177
IOU metric: 0.7543693223608632